Helen Kindred
dancer | choreographer | movement practitioner

after the storm | 2023 | Photo | Brian Slater

after the storm...
And after the storm
I went down to the basement
And everything was floating
Lots of my old keyboards
Thirty projectors Props from old performances
A fibreglass window
A motorcycle Countless papers
And books
And I looked at them floating there in the shiny dark water
Dissolving All the things I’d carefully saved all my life Becoming nothing
But junk
And I thought
How beautiful
How magic
How Catastrophic
Laurie Anderson
co-choreographed with Siân Hopkins with MDX dancers.
Rehearsal direction, Maga Judd with Nadia Brayley
Lighting and set design Mikkel Svak
Costume Aylin Altinelli
December 10-12, 2023, Grove Theatre, London
FEMALE traces
performance with Sandra Sok
“…female journeys, waiting, bodily traces, patterns, dancing ground, spaciousness, body-space-environment, undulations, reflections, ritual, observation, boundaries, breath in our cells, softening, transformation, gathering, passion, place, wildness, re-wilding, dramatic felt, making connection, gathering, listening, possibility, flow, nurturing body, bodies of water, sensation, pulsation, belonging, shifting landscapes, inhale-exhale, events of the sea, waves, leaves (no) trace, human non-human, eco-feminism, dance as feminist language, journey of layering, women support, dancing goddess, speculative realism, visible-invisible, interconnectivity, trans-corporeality …”
FEMALE traces performance works with improvised scores to reveal and nurture expression of the body through environments, and offers a renewed approach to performance-making using LBMS.
Performances takes place live and online (via zoom)
April 12 2023 East 15 Acting School, Essex
August 6 2023 Performing Picnic PARK Festival, Karlovac, Croatia
FEMALE traces | 2022 | Photo | Sandra Sok

an environment of movement, sound, light and image created in collaboration with Mikkel Svak and Cheniece Warner, with graduating dancers at Middlesex University.
May 11-13, 2022 - New Horizons Festival, London
Nov 10, 2022 - Masterclass 'On Collaboration' in conversation with Mikkel Svak, Middlesex University London
waves | 2022 | Photo | Cheniece Warner

Kindred & Judd Collective
A duet conceived through the journeys of motherhood between two women. In a dialogue between movement, music and spoken word the performers reveal the vulnerability of their realities in the light of the ever-present perceived reality of social media. Through sound and gesture, humour and narrative their stories are explored and unpacked. aGender opens questions of how the social and cultural aspects of our lives shape our bodies, how our bodies are our lives, grounded in beauty, swimming through vulnerability.
Jan 29, 2020 - The Place, London
aGender | Maga Judd & Helen Kindred | 2020 | Photo | Cheniece Warner

an improvisation of movement, sound, text and light. ...whispers explores three scores developed from research;
(in)direct space
dancers move within and between these scores, within and between sound and text navigating a journey of loss and belonging.
Nov 5, 2019 - Installation / PhD presentation, London
Oct 16, 2020 - site-performance, Whitstable, Kent
...whispers | Adesola Akinleye and Charlie Ford | 2019 | Photo | Cheniece Warner

espacement |still from filming | Mikkel Svak | 2019

...whispers \ 2018 | Photo | Dominique Rivoal
a solo improvisation for film with Mikkel Svak
a process...a meditation...a beginning
Nov 2, 2019 - a movement meditation, Queering the Somatic, London
Nov 5, 2019 - Installation / PhD presentation, London
(in the stillness of) whispers
A solo performance installation exploring narratives of the body in relation to text, touch and through an interpretation of real and imagined spaces. Through film (in collaboration with Dominique Rivoal), (in the stillness of) whispers responds to interruptions of the body-space through improvised performance. The work questions the body-self's relationship to ever shifting environments, moving in the between-ness of past and present.
Feb 24, 2018 - Narrating the Somatic Symposium, London
Apr 12, 2019 - ADiE Per/Forming Futures Symposium, London
Nov 5, 2019 - Film Installation / PhD presentation, London